Let’s Join

We’re always on the lookout for unique and talented individual, and create together.


We are a special talent, expert and such a best team to build your needs. Full of innovation and a fun team makes easier to build the concept. The list is always open if you are up to full-time challenges. Mail your portfolio to the email below. Please put “Job Position: Your Name” as the title.


For a minimum course of 3 months, you will be expected to finish a series of internship timeline and, if needed, to work closely with our designer on ongoing projects. Mail your CV and portfolio to the email below. Please put “Date of Internship Period (dd/mm/yy): Your Name” as the title.


Graphic Design

Looking for a chance to show off your skills? We’d like to see what you’re made of.

Job description | Apply Now :

Our passion, creativity, solution-driven oriented, within our work space is our strength in providing the packaging design service for our clientst